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Sarkari Naukri: Bihar Police Steno ASI Syllabus 2020 | Steno Assistant SI Exam Pattern

In this article, aspirants can check out the BPSSC ASI Steno Syllabus 2020 & Exam Pattern. we have illustrated the Bihar Police Steno ASI Exam Pattern 2020 in detail. For complete information, candidates can go through this entire page of BPSSC ASI Steno Syllabus 2020.

Selection Process :

Written Exam

Exam Pattern : The Exam Pattern Will be as Follows :

Paper 1

Minimum Qualifying Marks Will be 30%.

Paper 2

General Hindi : Mainly Focus on the topics like Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Error, Sentence correction, fill in the blanks, Comprehension & Cloze Test etc.

General Knowledge & Current Events : Culture and Religion, Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland Harbors, Freedom Movement, Sports : championships/ Winners/ Terms /No. of Players, Defense, Wars and Neighbours, Current Affairs, Important National Facts about India, Heritage and Arts, Dance, History, Languages, Capitals and Currencies, National : Bird/ Animal/ Sport/ Flower/ Anthem/ Song/ Flag/ Monuments, Eminent Personalities, Common Names, Full forms and Abbreviations, Discoveries, Diseases and Nutrition, Award and Authors.

हिंदी श्रुतिलेखन :-

Hindi dictation test will be done by writing for 5 minutes at the speed of 80 words per minute. It will be given 20 minutes more time to be typed. There should be no more than 10% mistake to pass the typing Test.

टंकण की जांच :

Candidates need to be typed in computers in Hindi and English with minimum 30 (thirty) words per minute for 200 words in 10-10 minutes. To pass this, 5% in Hindi Typing and 10% in English typing should not be wrong.

Computer Knowledge :

Candidates Must have the Knowledge of MS-Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Internet.

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